Thursday, November 5, 2009

DREAM or REALITY...its your choice....

Dream..nice word..or probably the best word.You could probably get anything you want, and I mean any thing. No worries and only a happy ending every time, but that all depends on the hours of your sleep. What's the best thing you have ever wanted. Look beautiful or handsome and all the world fell up to your feet. have so much wealth to buy Honda CIVIC( Apologies for a D segment car, as I never went to BMW in my dream..Poor me, as only able to get 5 hours of can't get beyond that in 5 hours.) a sexy mobile phone..a great bike, driving at a speed of 120...or else more.Sitting at a beach side with the love of your heart, and gazing him or her and the moon...How could I forget the perfect CANDLE light Dinner..Love that never DUMP's you in between life.Always scoring highest marks in class.become a doctor, or an Army person with the girls falling for your uniform.Late night parties or else night outs.wardrobe full of jeans, t shirt, suits or clothes.Lots and lots of options in the shoes, watches department.Lots of girls / boys wanting ti be your friend or else more than just "GOOD FRIENDS".Being privileged one to get anything to eat.To thank god every time. Hope of having a valentine this year.Celebrating new year with a great late night bash.Driving with your partner on a long drive in a rainy season.Praying for your partner every time in the Church,temple, gurudwara or the Mosque or else any place of worship. Having late night talk on phone.

Just a wish or the wishers or dreams we have.Some of them already realized and for some we are giving our sleep. So that we could reach it in time. All I want to say is that just give it your best shot without regretting what will happen in the future. As you might not even get a second chance for it. Love our life, and make all of them come true. God is always in you, and believe in him as you always do..

Stay Blessed every one..

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