Sunday, May 26, 2013

I do...

Give me the reason once more why should I love you...
I know its not you ..who have made me what I never wanted to....
May be this time ..I might get lucky to find a meaning...
Or is it I am hoping against hope for a new begining...

What ever may be the case...its the wait that has given me the strenght..
That you will come hold me at that bend..
The words might feel..I am already deep in you...
Let me repeat it again....I only need to listen those words "I really do"

I have waited patiently for months to have the courage to say "hi"...
Held my heart strong...but was even prepared to hear and aceept "bye"...
The worst could have been to vanish without a try...
Let's get together ...and trust me..I will never let you cry...

Perhaps the words and the feeling never sounded so intense..
Yes..I have always wanted you like every sense..
I hope u can listen me what I have never said to you..
We can be the best for each other....and please believe me when I say "I DO"

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