Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is turning Invisible way to solve your problems ??

They come in a bunch of gift rapped with coupons of happiness. Seems to be like a magic wand to end up your queries or so called assumed set of problems..Later you end up being an invisible person finding a way to come out from the weight of expectations. The heavier the load of expectations more difficult it becomes to swim with a bag pack on your back. So called obvious reasons or the theories do not matter , as there is no fixed set of solutions to them. Probably the "time" is so called the best healer as they say..Or we tend to count up on time, as we have given hope. The other version could easily be this one..Any way what so ever is the condition, you cannot deny the truth..And only option or the condition you have is to digest the end result. As being happy or sad is no longer in your own hands or is in your virtue.

Time and again you crib for the things you have never ever had.Is it the correct way of depicting yourself ?
I doubt that..but the so called understanding of the situation or the way you speak or interact can easily lead to the people around you forming an opinion. And do you care what the result they are able to make out from it..Definitely yes...As they are your true companions who ave trusted you and dependent on you for your feedback..Same is the case with you..The so called thing of being "distracted" or carrying a name tag of a "Loner" also does not help..The greatest of the men did not die out fighting, but won the fight and come back to tell the story.That is actually the beauty of the situation."No matter what"..you give every thing in for it with a heart out.

I might sound low, and you feel I fell from the window,
Please take a look back, I am actually holding it with my bow,
Do you think I drowned some way in between,
It was the oxygen some how that help me come out of it clean.

Does any of the above actions sound I may have given up hope,
I am actually trying to make up to you by climbing up using a rope.
Was it like a dirt that could be easily wiped off with a soap,
Don't doubt the actions , only a low profile I think will help me and not a stove.

Some time the things are tough to understand and we are never able feel its nerve,
I do not want to sound like as if I am actually perturbed..
Only holding back with time and the correct mindset to make a come back,
Trust me the time is not gona stay like this, And I will come back to claim by Bag pack...

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